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Do you know about Ted Martens' Pixel Fireplace ? 

This meme of an own fireplace is getting really inspiring, it somehow reminds me Handersen's tale Den Lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne

These comforting testimonials should be curated :
i think about Ludonaut's campfire too

they can serve interaction as universal symbols, as does Little Inferno, Dark Souls bonfire, many many more that i can't think of..

hope i read your book soon !

Oh, hey, I found a neat thing by Berry. Hi, Berry! (This fire doesn't kill people, does it?)

Presumably. =P

Made a thing with your thing:

Took way too long to edit everything, and I still wanted to do more, but it was fun.


The mac executable doesn't work.

It's not codesigned, and if one lives on the edge and trusts the HTTPS to as sufficient authorization, one gets this:


dlopen /Users/glyph/Downloads/./ Framework.framework/nwjs Framework: dlopen(/Users/glyph/Downloads/./ Framework.framework/nwjs Framework, 257): no suitable image found.  Did find:
/Users/glyph/Downloads/./ Framework.framework/nwjs Framework: file too short
/Users/glyph/Downloads/ Framework.framework/nwjs Framework: file too short
Abort trap: 6


I'm working on getting a mac so I can better support that platform.  Right now the problem is that symlinks break.  It's fixable if you download nw.js and copy the correct files over, but its impossible for me to do on my own right now until I have a mac.

Ah! Yeah, I'm familiar with that problem (py2exe has the same issue).  The simplest way you can deal with it is making a .tar.gz instead of a .zip. (I believe the recommended fix is to always produce a `.dmg`, but I suspect your non-mac build environment would make that unduly challenging.)

Also, since a mac can be a rather spendy investment for a hobby project, might I suggest which can get you a mac for a dollar an hour?


I've heard of "rent-a-mac" sort of services.  Bitsy Fire was definitely a hobby project, but my currently in-development title, Visual Out, is aiming to be a full commercial release and I'm totally willing to invest in a (cheaper, refurbished) mac for it and future projects.  =]

how i run this on linux?

it say i need i

I installed libnss3-tools , libnss3-dev and libnss3  but nothing changes :(

What version of Linux do you run?  When I export from Construct 2 sometimes the exporter uses out-of-date libraries.  Most Ubuntu distributions should work.
I'll try to find out more though, because I don't like how little linux support I can do right now.

(1 edit)

In case you're still looking for a solution or someone else is running into the same issue, you need to install the 32-bit version of the missing libraries. On Debian based distributions, you can do this by appending ":i386" to the end of the package name when installing at the terminal. Hope this helps!